Last modified 01/25/2024

tips to find a cruise job, best tips to find a cruise job, best tips to get a cruise jobHow to find a job in a cruise job

Working on a cruise can become a work option available for those who are interested, because the wages are pretty good and, being shipped, all the food and accommodation expenses are paid by the company that owns the cruise, all that is required to be hired is the ability to interact with various ethnic dissimilarity and how to behave appropriately with colleagues as the work days are very exhausting.

Looking for a job in cruise ships and pleasure crafts has become a very nice alternative for young people who are trained in the business of entertainment as well as to young people without qualification, since the compensation offered is added with air tickets from and back to their home country, accommodation and meals, as well as other benefits. It has become such an interesting employment sector that now there are even distance learning courses which enable staff to work on luxury cruise ships.

But working in a cruise is so attractive that we have to take into consideration that it also has its downsides. For starters, it is not as simple as a ground work, because luxury cruises are mainly carried on sea voyages from port to port and it requires great discipline from the employee for coexistence with passengers and co – workers, which is imposed by the cruise company that owns the set shifts by setting schedules that must be met, even if the sea conditions are not the appropriate ones.

Those who apply for a job on a luxury cruise ship must be prepared to spend long periods of time on board, away from their families and friends, and everything they know. All companies that are hiring for cruises offer from positions related to passenger service, as well as their entertainment and positions of operation and maintenance of the vessel itself.

In the first case, the main characteristic of the staff that will be hired must be the ability to interact smoothly with passengers and to be able to provide solutions to their requirements, so those with experience in the hospitality and tourism sector will have an advantage when these working positions become available on luxury cruise ships. A key requirement is to speak English and have a visa issued by the U.S. government as long as the cruise has to enter U.S. ports.

The different types of jobs in a luxury cruise, are based on the type of departments that it might have, such attention in shops, casino, cuisine, restaurant, bar, passenger care, entertainment, photography, attention to passengers in the hotel management area, laundry, boat operations, maintenance and medical care.

The jobs of the lowest level in a luxury cruise, because they do not require any kind of experience are: dishwasher, kitchen cleaner, kitchen utensils cleaner, bar assistant, assistant deck, sailor, cabin or cabin steward, assistant cabin waiter or cabin, cabin staff service, cleaning public areas of the boat, laundry, assistant engine room, engine room cleaner and lubricator.

The salaries wages are between $ 800 and $ 1 500. A job in other areas of the cruise can reach up to $ 5 000 per month. Employment contracts are from six up to nine months. Working hours are from 10 hours a day seven days a week.

On the web there are online sites that offer jobs on luxury cruise ships, such as: and there are also staff recruiting agencies for luxury cruises in the web site:, which captures not only workers but also prepares them in their own training center.

Image: Bernie Condon /

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