Last modified 01/20/2024

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Sometimes we have to separate ourselves from the people who we most like in life, and that brings great sorrow, makes us fall into melancholy and anxiety, and sometimes we can also feel lonely and even depressed. When we are in these circumstances it is important that we do everything we can to prove how much we like that person, what we feel and how much we miss them.

Keeping in touch with the people we love is up to us as distance, in these times, is no longer an excuse. Advances in communications allow us to be closer to the people we love most. Take the time to be inspired by the following texts we offer you.

Free examples of love texts for someone who is far away:

:: “My love, you will see that soon we will be together again, you cannot imagine how exited I am, it all seems a dream. Sometimes I feel like as if I were going to faint because all these feelings are just too much for me, but I will be fine and waiting for you”.
Category: love texts
:: “I cannot believe all the time that has passed and all that we have endured. I am sure that soon we will be together, as I have longed for so much time. I have missed you so much, I love you”.
Category: love texts
:: “It seems as if I had not seen you in a long time, but it is time to meet again and everything will be in the past. I love you and our relationship will be able to overcome any barrier”.
Category: love texts
:: “I have spent much time without you, many moons on my own, but in the end we will meet again, my love. It seems like a dream come true. I adore you and I am very grateful to God for granting us this joy”.
Category: love texts
:: “Very soon we will be next to each other as we have always been, my love. I am sure that fate holds many surprises for both of us”.
Category: love texts
:: “Our love is incomparable, it is the purest thing there is and I know that this love will be for life. This is true love and that is why neither distance nor time will affect the strength of our love”.
Category: love texts
:: “It seems as if this day was a national holiday, I think it is because we are going to see each other and my heart is filled with joy”.
Category: love texts
:: “Every time I go to bed, the thought that we will see each other soon comes into my mind, and that is the day in which I will be happy. You are the most important person in my life and I know that we will have a great life together. I love you”.
Category: love texts
:: “I feel that this separation has made our love even stronger, as that is the way it works when love is true, when it will last a lifetime. Together we have overcome all the problems that life has placed before us on the road and we always will. I love you”.
Category: love texts

After so long without seeing each other due to the distance, it is best that you express everything that you feel when you see again. Do not forget to get inspired with the texts that we have offered you. See you soon.

Image courtesy of “digitalart” /

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