Last modified 01/19/2024

messages to express condolences, sms to express condolences, text message to express condolences, quotes to express condolences, wordings to express condolences, phrase to express condolencesSend special dedications to express condolences

Life is cyclical, and there is nothing we can do to prevent it. Cycles begin, unfold and then culminate, and so is life. We are born, grow, learn, meet people, graduate from school, study a career, mature, we discover the world and what life is about, and finally die. There are times in which predicting the death of someone becomes impossible, since it may be an impending event that no one expected, for example from coronary problems or an accident.

No one has bought life and nobody knows what to expect from the day that comes tomorrow; the only thing we have left is to live and do it as best as possible, because we don’t know when we will leave this world. When we lose a loved person, we feel desolated and do not know very well how continue, therefore if we know someone who is going through something like that, we know that it will serve them much if we accompany them in their suffering and give them the strength they need to move forward.

Here are a series of messages that we have prepared so you can inspire yourself and express your heartfelt condolences. Select the messages you want, remember that they are free.

Free list of messages to express your support:

:: “We must thank the Lord because it allows us to be alive and enjoy the wonders of nature. Unfortunately he had to go, but now he is with our Lord Almighty, who will take care of him for the rest of eternity. Now, he is in a quiet place in which there are no worries or pain. I hope that God be with you and give you much strengths”.
Category: sincere condollences

:: “When someone goes to the next life, we must be calmed, because they have gone to the world’s best place, to a place where they can live without worries in the firmament. Everything starts and everything ends, we must learn to accept it without regrets. When you feel that you cannot hold on, remember that you have an angel watching you from above, which shall comfort you”.
Category: sincere condollences

:: “I know that right now you feel very bad and that you are suffering and overwhelmed, so you must try to remember all these beautiful experiences you shared together, memories that no one will remove from you, and she will be with you always in that way. You should know that someone dies when his or her name is said for the last time, so while you keep the memory alive, you will never be alone, I love you”.
Category: sincere condollences

:: “Right now you should feel faint and very confused, is normal in these situations, so I want you to know that you have my unconditional support in this bad dream. The gap that he has left no can plug easily, the only thing that remains is to be thankful because he had the opportunity to live and to be great, now the Lord will be in charge of taking care of him and keep him with Him at all times”.
Category: sincere condollences

:: “Pray to the Lord to accompany your family now and them of all the strength they need to find peace and calm within the storm. Now he is with our Lord and there is no more sublime thing than that. It will be necessary that you get used to this new reality, but little by little you will succeed on it. You are strong and able to overcome everything; you can count on us at every step of the way”.
Category: sincere condollences

:: “At the moment we are witnessing a soul going back to his true and final home, beside Christ and his father. He will now be well and away from the pain and problems, finally in a place of pure peace and love. All the bad shall pass; you must be patience and accept that sometimes the motives and reasons of things are beyond our understanding”.
Category: sincere condollences

Despite the difficulty of the situation which someone might be going through as the days filled with suffering and desolation, it will always be important to share words of love and comfort with those who have lost a loved one. Your presence is important, so be support your loved ones need to get ahead, you’ll see that they will infinitely appreciate your help and that it will serve them much.

We hope to see you around soon, remember that we are always updating our web site with much more free content, developed especially to help you express yourself.

Image courtesy of “tiverylucky”/

messages to express condolences, sms to express condolences, text message to express condolences, quotes to express condolences, wordings to express condolences, phrase to express condolences, dedications to express condolences

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