Last modified 10/05/2023

how to plan a wedding, excellent ways of reducing my wedding cost, best ways of reducing my wedding cost, how to reduce my wedding cost, tips for reducing my wedding cost, best tips for reducing my wedding cost, excellent tips for reducing my wedding cost, very good tips for reducing my wedding costTips to reduce the cost of my wedding

All couples who have thought that marriage is an important step in our lives, have always wanted to do our wedding, one of the happiest days of our lives and we would like to share this special day with our family and closest friends so that they know that we are taking such a huge step in our lives, but many times this desire to share our happiness turns out to be impossible, given to the high costs that celebrating a wedding mean, so reducing them is the perfect solution for us.

For the celebration of a wedding, it is necessary to set properly the main activities that are going to be used and these are:

1. Bride’s dress.

2. Guest list.

3. Place in which the wedding is going to be celebrated and how we are going to be decorating it.

4. Music for the party.

5. Hiring a wedding car.

6. The wedding banquet.

Afterwards, we should establish an initial budget based on quote prices for each of these activities and it is from there when we define where and how to reduce our costs.

Women wish to have a premier wedding dress, better if it is from a well known design house; however, it is good to remember that the dress will only be used once, which is why you should take into consideration that you might be able to get a used dress for a great bargain price in a boutique or a bridal shops, or if you rather do it in another way, you can always go to a friend dressmaker who can arrange the dress to your liking, it will be new and at a good. Or you can go to thrift stores where you will find dresses in good condition at a reduced cost or you can rent the costume rent shops.

Defining the number of guests is vital to determine the amount of invitations needed, the place of the party, the banquet and the wedding cake, so do not forget that we should not necessarily invite everyone we know or all our families, let’s seek to invite our closest family members and friends, and from there, according to the space we have, we will be able to expand the number of guests we invite.

For the place where the wedding is going to be celebrated, we can rent a place for the occasion (the rental price includes decorating) and if you want to reduce costs, the celebration can be carried out in your own home or the house of a family that offers it, where what we spend can be only in decorating the place, which can be done by the grooms or you can ask a relative or friend to do it, most of the decorating budget will go in flowers, ribbons, balloons, etc.

The music of the party can be in charge of an orchestra or else you can hire a person who knows how to cheer up weddings and knows how to select music or, to save some more money, you can ask a relative or a close friend who has this hobby (if any).

The wedding car hiring can be solved by asking a good friend or family member who has a nice car to help us moving into the bride from her home to church and then the bride and groom to the place of the wedding celebration. We ourselves or a relative can decorate the car for the occasion.

Having reduced the number of guests, thus the marriage feast will be reduced and we should not resort to a catering company but we can hire people dedicated to organize banquets and the cost of preparation and service will be considerably cheaper. We should consider at most two plates. We can buy the drinks and use the same people who prepare the banquet to distribute them.

Finally, it should be noted that neither the cake or the photos should be entrusted to amateurs because they could bring unpleasant surprises. Nor should we reduce costs to beautify the bride in her happiest day.


reducing the cost of a wedding, how to plan a wedding, excellent ways of reducing my wedding cost, best ways of reducing my wedding cost, reducing my wedding cost, how to reduce my wedding cost, tips for reducing my wedding cost, best tips for reducing my wedding cost, excellent tips for reducing my wedding cost, very good tips for reducing my wedding cost

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