Last modified 01/21/2024

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In this section we bring you a series of different texts about good fortune in love that you can use to express how lucky or unlucky you are to others in this important aspect of our lives, love. Choose the texts with which you identify most and share them with your contacts via social networks.

Download free beautiful love texts:

:: “Consider yourself lucky in love if you find someone that falls in love with you as much as you fall in love with her, because it is not enough to fall in love if it not something reciprocal”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “There is a greater fortune than winning the jackpot and it is finding the true love of your life, so consider yourself a lucky person”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “If you have found someone who awakens the best feelings in you and with whom you share a great love with, you are one of the luckiest people around the world”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “Being lucky in love does not mean many men walk behind you, it means you have found the most pure and sincere love”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “Love has a lot to do with luck, so you should pay attention because you might run into your soul mate when you least expect it”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “After losing you I realized that I am very lucky in love, nothing good expected me with you and thankfully we are nothing anymore”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “If you cannot find true love, it does not mean that misfortune reached your life, maybe you are making the wrong choices”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “By a stroke of luck you can meet the love of your life, but it is up to you to conquer his heart and cultivate that beautiful feeling”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “In love sometimes we win and others we lose, but we will never find the love of our lives if we do not give our heart a new opportunity, sometimes you just need a little luck”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “You are very lucky if you can go out with any girl you like, but you can be unfortunate if you do not find true love in any of them”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “Even if you have put an end to your relationship with the girl you loved, you must wish her good fortune so that you also get to enjoy it”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “Sometimes luck is not on your side and even if you have the right person beside you, you can make mistakes that could jeopardize your relationship. Never give up and fight for her love”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “Couples that manage to stay together in time is not necessarily because they have been lucky, it is just that they have managed to cultivate their love”.
Category: Love messages for a partner
:: “You think that you are not lucky in love, well, think that maybe you are fortunate not to have been hurt by a bad relationship”.
Category: Love messages for a partner

Share any of these texts about the influence of fortune when trying to find a partner, you will see that many of your contacts on social networks will love them. Come back to our website for more love texts.

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