Last modified 01/20/2024

condolences phrases, condolences sms, condolences thoughtsNice Condolences Messages

Death is the way we all are going to go, at some point we will leave this life and it will be forever. When a person dies, in addition to leave his memories, he also leaves a great void in the lives of everyone around him.

Relatives and acquaintances feel much pain and less time to absorb the news. For this reason, when a person dies the family members have to get help from people close to them. Do you want to offer condolences or a loved one who has lost a family member or friend?

In this section we present a list of phrases to you’re your condolences.

Free list of nice condolences messages:

:: “I am sorry that your mother has died, his departure was a moment’s notice, but you still must resign yourself and try to be quiet because the Lord took her to his side and now from there she takes care of you and your brothers”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “It is not easy to assimilate the idea that you will never see a person you love, but you must find strength so you can replenish this loss as unfortunate. Continue to demonstrate the joy that you always radiate.
Category :condolences messages
:: “It makes me very sad to see you like this, I know you were not expecting this but it was the will of the Lord that your father pass through. From heaven he will guide you and take care of his family”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “Your grandmother was a very kind woman; since you birth she took care of you like she was your second mother. It is sad to know that she is no longer physically with us, however you must remember that her spirit will live forever”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “Life ends at some point, is something we should just accept. I understand that you feel sad but it is better that your brother rests now, because that illness afflicted his life and it was turning very difficult. Receive my sincere condolences”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “All the good memories come at this time of pain and it’s hard to understand that death has come who was just beginning to live. Forces friend, I send my heartfelt condolences”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “The death of a person who we appreciate causes pain in our souls, but it is important to remember that some day we will meet again”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “She raised you and give everything she could to see you happy, now I just have to move on and not get overcome by sadness, your mom will be watching you from heaven and she will want you to feel happy. I send you my sincere condolences, dear friend”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “The people we love leave us a great void with their departures, whenever you feel worth remember all good times we lived with him and so you will feel happy for the great blessing that God gave you to give you a great friend”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “Your mom showed with the example that we should never let ourselves be discouraged by difficulties, it is very hard what you are going through but over time you will learn to live without it”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “A good way to honor the memory of your grandfather is remaining strong, as he always wanted your welfare. It will not be easy to accept his death, but it is not impossible”.
Category :condolences messages

We are sure that these phrases to offer condolences have been to your liking. Dedicate them to people who have lost a loved one to ease their sadness.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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condolences messages, condolences phrases, condolences poems, condolences quotations, condolences sms, condolences text messages, condolences texts, condolences thoughts, condolences verses, condolences wordings

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