Last modified 10/05/2023

best consolation phrases,difficult situation phrases,consolation wordsSpecial Consolation Phrases:

Difficult or unfortunate situations give us sad and sorrowful moments at some point in our lives.

Losing someone dear, saying goodbye to a good friend or ending an important relationship will inevitably lead us to situations which are hard to overcome.

Here you will find consolation phrases for those complicated situations:

Free samples of the Consolation Phrases :

:: “Today hopelessness blinds us. Tomorrow will be another day and the sun will light our hope”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “We will always have difficult tests in life. Remember that optimism overcomes difficulties”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “Not ending first in a competition does not mean the world is over. With more effort you will triumph”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “He has gone forever and that makes us all sad. Remembering him will always give us peace”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “You can win or lose. We all believe you will get over this and move on”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “We first fall when we learn to walk, we cry for a minute and then we stand up. Everybody has that instant recovery instinct”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “Death is the only problem in life that has no solution. Everything else can be solved somehow”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “A good way to face our sadness is to keep in mind they are temporary and everything will be fine in the future”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “It is true that some situations are so difficult you cannot help crying, but it is also true that you have always been strong. Courage my friend”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “Everything you have lived is with you like a treasure. When you feel down remember those times and smile a bit”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “Friendship does not only take good times, but also bad times. Your mistakes will teach you to be better and we will be close as usual”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “Love that fades almost makes our heart stop. Remember it is always best to let the other person be happy”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “Even if you are far away you do not stop being a friend. We will always care for you”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “We can be winners or losers. You must be humble if you are successful and learn from your mistakes so you do not repeat them”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “Anybody can make a mistake. You are not the only one that fails in the world. It happens to everybody sometime”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “If someone dear dies beaten by a serious ailment we are deeply sad. Try feeling better thinking they are resting in peace”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “If your relationship with the one you loved is over, take the sadness away from your heart and hope for tomorrow”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “It is time to leave your melancholy and sadness behind. Optimism will lift you up and make you forget the bad things that happened to you”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

:: “The time has come to turn the page and leave your mistakes behind. Show how strong you are by overcoming your difficulties”.
Category :Consolation Phrases

We hope you found the right consolation words for those painful situations. Remember that complicated situations are temporary, while true friendships and good things to remember are eternal.

Image: Stuart Miles /

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