Last modified 01/19/2024

facebook messages, facebook phrases, facebook SMSGood messages for Facebook

Life passes by very quickly and so, with that accelerated pace of life, we do not realize many things that happen. Sometimes it is important for us to take time and analyze about what we have done during our existence, our goals and how we have behaved with the people we love. Those moments of reflection can be motivated by something we read, by a video or by the words of a friend.

On Facebook it is common to find that your contacts publish quotes said by celebrities, whether philosophers, singers or people related to science. The important thing is that they have the power to make us think about life.

If you want to share your thoughts in your wall which will call your contacts to reflection, you can publish some of the thoughts we offer you below. You can even make your own sentences according to your conclusions.

Free list of messages for Facebook:

:: “ Despite all the faith you have, if you do not act, nothing will happen”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “I cannot deny that by your side I have lived unforgettable moments, but you are not like air, which is essential for my life”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “The key for surrounding yourself with good people is to be you and not try to imitate others”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you run down the road of life, you will have lost the opportunity to see many wonderful things”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “I have been looking for a reason to live for many years and in many parts of the world, but eventually I looked inside myself and I found it”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you help someone, never remind them of it. But if you get help from someone, always have it in mind”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Do not get discouraged thinking that the road is long, feel happy because you have already started to walk through it”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “You must learn to accept cheerfully whatever happens and that way you will see life with more courage”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you want to get everything you set out for yourself, you just have to persevere”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Do not try to be better to impress others, do it to feel good about yourself”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Along your way you will cross paths with many undesirable people, but you just have to ignore them”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you do not want to get disappointed, then do not expect much from other people”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Do not let anyone make fun of you. For all to respect you, you have to respect them back”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “To be an outstanding person you do not have to overshadow others”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “The best way to answer back to our enemies, is to ignore them”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “Do not slave yourself trying to get what you do not need”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “When we are judgmental we just hurt ourselves as we deny the opportunity to get to know amazing people”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “Before you give advice without being asked, think of all your mistakes and try to correct them first”.
Category :facebook messages:: “Only when we forgive ourselves, we can offer our forgiveness to others”.
:: “Learn to enjoy what you have and do not suffer for what you do not possess”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “When life denies us what we want it is because it has something prepared better”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you do a favor do not expect that same person to give it back, life is responsible for giving you a reward”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Do not waste your time complaining about how difficult the road is and get on it once and for all”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “The tests of life are to make you stronger, not to make you insensitive”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “When you take the first step toward success you must not stop for anything in the world”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you want to make a change in your appearance, start from within”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Do not turn your back to the person who asks for your help. The world turns around and tomorrow you can be in the same situation”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Simplicity is a key that will open many doors as you will earn the love and respect of all the people who know you”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you want to make a change in the world, then make a change in yourself first”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “No one can escape their destiny, as hard as you run it will reach you”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “Happiness waits for no one, so grab as soon as it crosses your life”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “When you let other people ruin your day you are letting them control your life”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If someone tries to minimize you it is because that person feels that way”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Everything that happened to you in life has helped you build your character”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “Being honest does not mean being offensive. Being honest is to act according to what we think”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you are feeling discouraged, visit someone who is going through a more difficult time than you and you will see the sadness go away”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “You will notice that people esteem you when your absence causes them grief”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you do not allow anger to control you, you will go far”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Do not live worrying about everything because the only thing you will achieve is to block your mind and you will not be able to give solutions to your problems”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Being afraid will only limit you and it will not allow you to fight for your dreams”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “Do not think about the negative things of the past and concentrate on all the good that you have at present”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “If you think the world is dark, then enlighten it wherever you go”.
Category :facebook messages

:: “The strokes of luck only exist in fiction”.
Category :facebook messages
:: “If you have many dreams never please yourself and do everything in your power to make them happen”.
Category :facebook messages

We hope these thoughts of reflection have been of your liking and you decide to share them with your friends, family and other Facebook contacts.

Image courtesy of “Master isolated images” /

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facebook messages, facebook phrases, facebook sms, facebook text messages, facebook texts, facebook thoughts, facebook verses, facebook poems, facebook wordings, facebook quotations

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