Last modified 01/20/2024

disappointment messages,disappointment wordings,disappointment smsDisappointment Statuses for Facebook:

There will be many situations in our life. There will be times of overwhelming joy us, big successes and beautiful loves that will make our hearts happy.

Despite that, life is not always beautiful and there will be sad times when we did not achieve our goals, we feel beat or a loved one passed away.

All human beings feel sad and disappointed when something did not happen or we lost something, and that is logical.

Facebook, as a social network, helps us let our friends know our current mood. Do you want to let your friends know you are disappointed about something?

In this report there is a list of disappointment statuses for Facebook. Your network friends will know you are having a hard time.

Free samples of disappointment statuses for Facebook:

:: “Although it is a beautiful sunny day, I only see despair and feel a lot of sorrow. My hopes were shattered in front of me”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “I thought we would always be together, and sadly it is not so. It is a great loss and it makes me sad to accept that all we had is gone”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “You cannot imagine how sad I was when we decided to split. I hoped our love would last forever. I am now sure that will never happen”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “All the wonderful memories of our happy times together are a relief to my current sadness and suffering. At least we were happy when we were together”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “We broke our promise of uniting our lives forever. I am very disappointed that our relationship has ended”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “We know that all of you and us have a great loss and we are very sorry. Let us keep us in mind that we have choices. We promise we will not disappoint you”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “He lied to me and I was naïve to believe him. He went away with another girl. I will never believe in the love of another man. I am very disappointed”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “I am very sad because I was not accepted into college. But I know my life does not end here. I must realize I have to make a greater effort and study more to achieve it”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “I had a great hope on the possibility of getting married and having a big family, but after what I went through I doubt everything. I am very disappointed in you”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “I find it hard to find a way, a place and the right time to have a serious talk with you. Our relationship does not make sense anymore. It must end. I know it is hard, but it is worse to have false expectations”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

:: “We are both responsible for the death of our love and it cannot rise again. Nobody is to blame. Love left us little by little and it is gone now”.
Category :Disappointment statuses for Facebook

We hope these disappointment statuses for Facebook help you share your feelings. Keep in mind that pain goes away with time, and the hope of a nicer future comes back.

Image: graur razvan ionut /

Send your originals Sms,text,text messages,quotes ,disappointment statuses for Facebook, and will be published ,others friends will thank you .

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