Last modified 01/22/2024

Mother’s Day cards
messages & quotes

Find best happy Mother's Day sweet messages

How to say happy Mother’s Day to your Mother ?If we wanted to find proof of the existence of God, remembering the love our Mother feels for us would be enough and that thanks to the miracle of life we are today in this world.

On this Mother’s Day we want to share with you some new and beautiful texts that will help you touch your Mother’s heart, awakening a great happiness in her.

Choose the ones you like most and share them with her with all your love. You will see your Mother will love any phrases you choose.

Find best lovely Mother’s Day greetings

:: “My dear Mother, I wish you all the best on this Mother’s Day. Thank you very much for giving me life and for being by my side in good times and bad times, celebrating my triumphs and encouraging me in my failures, I adore you”.
Category: Mother’s Day greetings
:: “I know you have faced very difficult times in your life, many of which happened when I was a little kid, but I thank you because you had the courage to fight to move on and now we enjoy welfare. Happy Mother’s Day!”
Category: Mother’s Day greetings
:: “I will never get tired of telling you that I feel greatly blessed by the wonderful love you have given me. Dear Mother, may you enjoy beautiful moments on this special day”.
Category: Mother’s Day greetings
:: “The love you give me is infinite and it sincerely touches the bottom of my soul that you are so special and unique. May God always bless you and I hope you have beautiful moments on this Mother’s Day”.
Category: Mother’s Day greetings
:: “My dad and I have organized everything at home to celebrate your day big time. I wish you all the best, dear Mother, may God bless you and may all of your dreams come true”.
Category: Mother’s Day greetings

Happy Mother’s Day, honey sweet phrases

:: “If something makes me happy it is thinking that you are a wonderful Mother, but it saddens me to know that I could never give you back everything you have done for me. I love you and I wish you a spectacular Mother’s Day from the bottom of my heart”.
Category: Mother’s Day sweet phrases
:: “Today is Mother’s Day and so you should not worry about anything because my brothers and I have prepared a beautiful surprise for you so that we spend beautiful moments together. We hope you like it, Happy Mother’s Day! ”
Category: Mother’s Day sweet phrases
:: “Mom, I want to be just like you; I want to have the right words at the right time and the constant strength to overcome all difficulties. I hope you have a nice Mother’s Day and that the Lord allows us to be together forever”.
Category: Mother’s Day sweet phrases
:: “A sweet kiss for you, dear Mom. You know that I will always admire you and that I will never stop thanking God for the infinite love that He has shown me through you. I hope you have a fabulous Mother’s Day”.
Category: Mother’s Day sweet phrases

Share this Mother’s Day with all your family and do not let any opportunity you have go by without thanking your Mom and expressing all your love for her, that is the least you can do after all the things she has done for you. See you next time.

Get Happy
Mother’s Day phrases

If you are thinking about giving your Mom a cute gift, you should not forget that you also have to share a nice text with her in which you not only wish her all the best but you also thank her for being the best Mother of all.

On the next few lines you will find a selection of texts that will be of much use to greet that wonderful woman who is your Mother on her special day, so share them with her through a card, through social networks or a text message.

Sweet quotes I wish you a beautiful Mother’s Day

:: “Dear Mom, you have always been very gentle with me and you have given me so much that I have no way to thank you for everything. I pray to God to always take care of you and I hope that on this Mother’s Day, you get to spend one of the most beautiful days of your life”.
Category: Mother’s Day quotes
:: “Just like you took care of me and protected me when I was a little baby, now I want to take care of you and give you the best of me when you no longer have the strength. My beautiful Mother, I hope this is one of the best Mother’s Days ever”.
Category: Mother’s Day quotes
:: “I wish all the best in the whole world to all mothers on this Mother’s Day, especially to my Mother because through all these years she has shown me that her love is unconditional. Mother, may the Lord bless you very much”.
Category: Mother’s Day quotes
:: “Mom, I love you and I will always try my best to be a good son so that you know that I really appreciate everything you have done for me. I love you very much and I hope this year’s Mother’s Day is unforgettable”.
Category: Mother’s Day quotes
:: “My dear Mother, it does not seem fair that there is only one day in the year dedicated to you, when you dedicate every day of your life to me. I will be forever grateful to you and I will always try my best to always make you very happy. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day”.
Category: Mother’s Day quotes

Happy Mother’s Day messages for Whatsapp

:: “Happy Mother’s Day! Seeing all the pictures you have in your albums brings back many feelings, but they all have one thing in common, that great love you have always given me. May God bless you forever”
Category: Mother’s Day Whatsapp messages
:: “Maybe as a child I could not have everything I wanted, but I never lacked the most important thing in life, your love, dear mother. Happy Mother’s Day! ”
Category: Mother’s Day Whatsapp messages
:: “Happy Mother’s Day! I do not remember a single day in which I have gone to sleep without eating and receiving all your love. You are a great Mom and I will always ask God to bless you with health and wellness”.
Category: Mother’s Day Whatsapp messages
:: “Now that I am a Mother I can see that you were right to worry so much about my welfare and give me the best advice. Thank you for being the best mother I could have had”.
Category: Mother’s Day Whatsapp messages

Imagine the happiness your Mother will feel when she receives any of these texts and the huge smile that she will have on hers face, so do not wait any longer and send your best wishes to her for this Mother’s Day. We will be waiting for you with many more texts for special occasions.

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