Last modified 01/22/2024

death sayings and quotes,death sayings and poems,anniversary of a death sayings,death sayings from the bibleNew texts for the death of my friend

We all have to go through the cycle of life, which begins as of the moment we are born; it takes us through the different stages of life such as childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age, until we finally take our last breath of life. As you can see, death is an inseparable part of life and we must accept this condition.

All our loved ones will pass away sometime, either before us or after us, and no matter how prepared we are, we cannot help but feel a deep sorrow at the news that someone close to us has passed away.

To overcome the pain experienced during grief, we need the support of everyone close to us like our family and friends, so if you know of someone who is suffering because of the death of one of their loved ones, you can help alleviate their pain by sharing with them any of the following texts.

Free messages for the death of your friend to share:

:: “Life is a wonderful gift, however, just like God granted it to us, he will call us back one day to his side. I am so sorry for the death of your dear father, but think that he is now in a better place, enjoying the glory of God. Receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I believe that after death our soul goes to heaven, from where we can see our loved ones. I hope you can also feel that your dear mother is next to God, who gave us life, and that from there she can continue caring for you. Please receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I know that right now you are experiencing a great pain by the passing away of your beloved grandfather, but I want you to know that wounds heal with time and that there will be a time in which you will remember him with love and a big smile on your face. He was always proud of you and he will still be accompanying you from wherever he is”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I share your sadness and your pain in these difficult times. I want to tell you that death is a part of life and that it hurts a lot when it takes a loved one away, but what it will never take is the good memories we have with those special people in our lives and the happiness and joy that we have lived by their side because we treasure that in our heart”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I ask God to bless you and all your family in these difficult times. I hope you can all find peace after this difficult event. Do not doubt for a moment that your father is next to God sharing his eternal rest. Take care of yourself and receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “We all leave this world at some point and although we know it is inevitable, we still feel pain when a loved one passes away. However, we know that one day we too will leave this world and meet once again with all our loved ones. May God bless you and help you ease your pain”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend

There is no doubt that the death of a loved one is a very difficult moment for the family and closest friends. You can help them by sending an encouragement and consolation text, so do not hesitate to do so using any of the text we offer you on the lines above. Come back soon to our page!

Free sad phrases for the death of a friend

Many of us live our live in a carefree manner regarding death, as we only think about it when it takes a person close to us or even worse, when one of our loved ones passes away.

If you receive the news that one of your friends or family is suffering from the loss of one of their loved ones, you should send your condolences and what better than doing it through Facebook by sending any of the texts you will find on the lines below.

Share new words for the death of a friend:

:: “Dear friend, I walk with you at this difficult time you are going through. I know it will be very difficult to cope with the loss of your dear mother, but eventually your wounds of your heart will heal and you will remind her fondly. Please receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I think there is no word that you can send to remove the suffering and sorrow that you are living right now but I want you to know that I accompany you in your pain and ask God to bless you and your family in then so difficult. My deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “From the moment in which I learned about the terrible news, I accompany you with my prayers. Receive my deepest condolences, I ask God to help you get over this difficult stage in life”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I just spoke with your sister a few days ago and that is why I find it incredible that she is no longer with us in this world, but we have to find comfort in knowing that is already in the presence of God enjoying eternal rest”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “Life is truly fragile and we rarely think about death until one of our loved ones passes away. I am really sorry for this difficult moment you are living right now, I express my sincere support and I send my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I will always remember your dear father as the great man who gave us valuable life lessons with his example. May God have him in his glory and give him rest for all eternity”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “Your grandmother has passed away, but she will live on in all our hearts because we have a vivid memory of her and all that she taught us. She is now resting from this world and enjoying the glory of God. Receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “You must be feeling a lot of mixed emotions right now due to the passing away of your dear mother, but I know that you will be able to gradually overcome this difficult moment and process what has happened. Dear friend, I send you my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “Our dear friend has parted from this world and i is a real shame that he has left so young. Let us not allow his memory to be erased from our memories because he was a great man and so we will always remember that way”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend

Remember that your words can bring comfort to the hearts of those who are suffering from the loss of one of their loved ones. See you at the next occasion.

Send free thoughts for the death of a friend

When we attend the funeral of someone close to us, it is very difficult to find the right words to express our condolences to the closest friends and family of the deceased. However, do not worry because we have prepared some texts that will be very useful for these moments and you can send them via email or social networks.

New free words for the death of a friend:

:: “I know you must be feeling a lot of pain right now, but I want you to know that God is always with you and you are also in our prayers. Receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I send you my deepest condolences on the death of your dear mother, do not forget that you can count on me for whatever you need because I will always be available to you”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “Only time will help you overcome the pain you are experiencing at this moment and only then you will have the memories of the happy moments that you lived next to your beloved father. Receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “Your beloved grandfather is resting in heaven where he no longer feels any pain. We all pray for God to have him in his glory and give him eternal rest”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “It is difficult to accept the death of one of our loved ones, but we must be aware that they will continue living in our hearts and that now more than ever we should value the happy times we lived next to them. Receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I have also suffered the death of one of my parents, so I can understand how you must be feeling at this time. I send you my deepest condolences and I ask God to provide you the comfort you and your family need right now”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “Dear friend, is a real shame that your brother has parted from this world so young, but you must find comfort in knowing that God keeps him in his glory and gives him eternal rest”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I still cannot believe that your beloved sister is no longer with us, but I will always remember her as the woman full of joy and optimism she was. Receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “We are accompanying you not only through our prayers, I want you to know that you can count on our help for anything you need. Receive our deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “We may never understand why many of our loved ones leave this world so young, but we must find comfort in knowing that God receives them in his kingdom with open arms”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “We are all in this world for a short period of time to fulfil a mission that God has entrusted us, so those who have departed are enjoying his glory. Receive my deepest condolences, dear friend”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “God needed an angel in the kingdom of heaven, so he took your dear sister. Please receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: sad phrases for the death of a friend

Do not forget that true friends are together in both good times and bad times, so accompany your friend through this time of grief.

Sad wordings for the death of a friend

At some point we all have to leave this world. Death is something that we can’t avoid in no way, we never know at what time or when it will happen, but we do know it will come to us.

If someone in your family or one of your friends has died, it will be impossible not to feel pain. Do you want to notice your friends about the pain you feel for the death of one of your loved ones?

In this article we list thoughts for posting on the death of someone special. These messages will help you to express why you feel so sad.

Download free sad phrases for the death of a friend:

:: “I feel very sorry because one of the people I most wanted is gone forever from this world, I will miss you so much my dear sister and I just hope that the Lord has you in His holy glory”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I cannot hold back the tears as the person with whom I shared the best years of my life, he is gone from this world. Resign and I can only pray to God for the good of his soul”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I wish to convey my deepest condolences to all the loved ones of my best friend, his death causes us great sadness because she was a very special person”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “Dear Dad thanks for everything you did for me, I know it’s better you to rest of this terrible disease, but even so I cannot avoid the sadness of losing you”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “My grandfather is gone forever from this world and with him he took a part of me. I will always remember you and I hope you rest in peace”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I feel very sorry for the death of my dear friend, we have known for a lifetime and think I will never see him again makes me feel a deep sadness. I send my sincere condolences to all family”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “As much as I try I fail resign because the pain I feel is so intense that I think is going to kill me. She is gone from me, a woman whom I loved with all my might. May you rest in peace, dear wife”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “I never imagined how hard it is to face the death of a loved one and even more so when it happens time to time. I feel so much pain that is difficult to accept that we will never see him among us”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “A great friend is gone forever from this world and what saddens me most is that I was not by her side to say their last goodbye, I just hope that from heaven is watching me and know that I love him and never will forget”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend
:: “Yesterday I was so confused when I learned that my dear cousin had died, sometimes I wonder why God takes to his side the people which are so much lacking here”.
Category :sad phrases for the death of a friend

We hope these thoughts on the death of someone special have help you to express the pain you feel. Keep in mind that time will help heal your wounds.

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Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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