Last modified 07/10/2024

Sweet love phrases
for Girlfriend

Top romantic texts messages.#LoveMessagesForPrincess,#LoveMessagesForLovers,#LoveMessagesForWhatsapp
Looking for sweet love phrases for Girlfriend , romantic phrases for Her, cute love quotes , romantic Messenger text messages ,Instagram love cards? .

Every woman loves that her boyfriend can send her cute romantic dedications throughout the day as a way to show her that he thinks about her a lot and that he loves her.

#LoveMessages #LoveMessagesForLovers #LoveMessagesForWhatsapp #LovePhrasesForHer #RomanticPhrases #RomanticPhrasesForCards

We want to help you so that you can write beautiful romantic texts to surprise your girlfriend and make her love for you become greater than ever.

Love phrases
about your kisses

Part of expressing our feelings to our partner involves doing so through looks, caresses, and kisses. You will receive many kisses in life, not all of them will feel the same.

When you receive a kiss from someone you love, the feeling is incomparable. Today we have brought phrases that talk about those very special kisses. Read them and share them with those you love most.

:: “I can feel the touch of your lips on mine, even hours after I’ve kissed you, because the happiness I feel is too much, every time I kiss you”.

:: “It may sound crazy, but every time you put your lips on mine, I feel like I’m under a spell, I lose control of myself, and I let you guide me wherever you want”.

:: “I need nothing else in life but your kisses, because with them I feel like I can do anything”.

:: “Every time I lose my patience, a kiss from you is enough to calm me down, because the warmth of your lips is enough to calm any bitterness”.

:: “I’m sure no one else can make me feel like you do with their kisses. Your kisses are the only ones that can quench the flame that ignites in me when I see you”.

:: “I have an eternal thirst for your kisses, so when you’re not with me, I feel like I could die dehydrated”.

:: “When I’m cold, a kiss from you gives me the warmth I need. When I’m sad, a kiss from you gives me all the happiness I could want. That’s why and more, I will never stop kissing you”.

:: “I know it’s not easy for you to express how you feel about me, but one of your kisses is enough for me to know that you love me as much as I love you”.

:: “Nothing would make me happier than to stop time every time you kiss me, and to be able to feel that warmth you give me endlessly”.

:: “I’ve kissed many people in my life, but it’s only your kisses that have managed to awaken so many feelings in me at once”.

Sweet and touching I love you text messages for girlfriend.#LoveMessagesForPrincess,#LoveMessagesForLovers,#LoveMessagesForWhatsapp

Romantic texts to say :
You are my love!

Just like anyone else, we love receiving messages, and even more so if it’s from someone we love with all our heart.

It’s not just women who like these kinds of gestures, so feel free to send that message that will leave a lasting impression, especially if you do it early in the morning, they will feel on top of the world.

Guys also love to be pampered and shown the love that is felt for them.

Make them happy with one of the phrases we leave you below, choose the one you like the most and you will see that no one has ever done it to them before, they will be amazed by your detail.

:: “For me there are no more people, only you I want to love. I was destined to meet you and share with you every moment that life gives me. You are my true love!”.

:: “I imagined you as you are, I feared that my dream would not come true. But when you came my heart burst with joy and I knew I should never let you go, you are the love of my life!”.

:: “My heart beat again since the first time I saw you and now it beats with the rhythm of our love, a sweet melody of peace and happiness”.

:: “You thought I was crazy when I met you and told you that you were my destiny, it was such a big shock. But here we are, together forever, enjoying this wonderful opportunity that God gave us, I love you!”.

:: “I am united to you body and soul, we are one being full of love. I have never felt so complete, you are the person who has captivated my heart, you are the love of my life!”.Find sweet love wordings for my girlfriend Whatsapp.#LoveMessagesForPrincess,#LoveMessagesForLovers,#LoveMessagesForWhatsapp

How to thank your boyfriend
for all the love he gives you

There are many ways to thank your boyfriend for all the love he gives you. The most important thing is that your expression is sincere and comes from the heart. Here are some ideas:

Words of appreciation:

* Tell him how much you love and appreciate him. Simple words can often have the biggest impact.

* Thank him for specific things he has done for you. For example, you could thank him for always making you laugh, for supporting your dreams, or for simply being there for you when you need him.

* Write him a letter or poem. This is a special way to express your feelings and create a lasting memory.

* Make him a video. You can compile photos and videos of the two of you together and add music and meaningful words.

Acts of love:

* Cook him dinner or make his favorite dessert.

* Give him a massage or do a spa treatment at home.

* Plan a special date or weekend getaway.

* Give him something you know he really wants or needs.

* Make him something handmade, such as a card, a painting, or a piece of jewelry.

The most important thing is that your gesture of appreciation is sincere and comes from the heart. No matter what you do, your boyfriend will surely appreciate your effort to show him how much you love and appreciate him.

Additional tips for expressing
your gratitude:

* Be specific: Instead of simply saying “thank you,” tell your boyfriend why you are grateful for him.

* Be personal: Share a memory or experience that shows how much he means to you.

* Be sincere: Don’t say anything you don’t truly mean.

* Be affectionate: Hug him, kiss him, or hold his hand while you express your gratitude.

* Do it regularly: Don’t wait for a special occasion to thank your boyfriend. Let him know how much you appreciate him every day.

Expressing your gratitude to your partner is one of the best ways to strengthen your relationship. When you take the time to thank him for all that he does for you, you are showing him that you love and value him. This can make him feel happy, loved, and appreciated, and it can strengthen the bond between you.

Tips to make your boyfriend
fall in love more every day

This article provides valuable tips for maintaining a healthy and loving relationship with your boyfriend.

In the ebb and flow of relationships, keeping the flame of love alive can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, you can turn every day into an opportunity to make your boyfriend fall in love with you even more.

1. Rekindle the spark of novelty:

Monotony is the enemy of love. Surprise your partner with new and exciting experiences. Plan a romantic getaway, take a class together, explore a new restaurant, or try something you’ve never done before. The key is to break out of your routine and create memorable moments that strengthen your bond.

2. Cultivate effective communication:

Communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Dedicate quality time to talk to your boyfriend, without distractions or interruptions. Listen attentively, ask questions that show your interest, and share your own thoughts and feelings. Open and honest communication will allow you to understand each other better, strengthen trust, and resolve any conflicts that may arise.

3. Nurture emotional connection:

Beyond words, gestures and actions speak louder. Show your love through small details that make your boyfriend feel special. A home-cooked meal, an unexpected hug, a loving message, or a simple “I love you” can have a big impact on his heart. Remember that it’s the little everyday actions that build strong and lasting relationships.

4. Take care of your personal appearance:

Physical attraction is important in any relationship. Making an effort to look good and feel confident will give you the confidence to captivate your boyfriend. Take care of your physical appearance, but don’t forget that the most important thing is inner beauty. A confident, intelligent, fun-loving woman with an attractive personality will be irresistible to your partner.

5. Support him in his dreams and goals:

Show your boyfriend that you’re there for him through thick and thin. Support him in his dreams and goals, encourage him to pursue his objectives, and celebrate his achievements with him. Your unconditional support will give him the confidence and motivation he needs to achieve his goals, and at the same time strengthen your bond as a couple.

6. Surprise him with unexpected details:

A small gift, a handwritten romantic note, or an unexpected gesture can make a difference in your boyfriend’s day. It doesn’t have to be big gifts, the important thing is that they show your love and attention.

7. Give him personal space:

It’s important for both of you to have personal space to pursue your own interests and passions. Don’t try to control each other or suffocate each other. Allow yourselves time alone so that you can recharge and come back to the relationship with more enthusiasm.

8. Maintain a positive attitude:

Negativity can affect any relationship. Focus on the positive aspects of your partner and your relationship. Be grateful for his presence in your life and celebrate every moment together. A positive and optimistic attitude will be contagious to your boyfriend and create a more harmonious and happy environment.

9. Never stop learning and growing together:

Relationships are a constant process of growth. Look for opportunities to learn and grow together as a couple. Take classes together, read books about relationships, or simply share your experiences and learnings. By evolving together, you will strengthen your bond and keep the flame of love alive through the years.

Remember that falling in love is not a task that is accomplished overnight. It is an ongoing process that requires effort, dedication, and commitment. If you put these tips into practice and show your boyfriend every day how much you love him, you can keep the flame of love alive and strengthen your relationship forever.

Romantic WhatsApp status that saying I love You.#LoveMessagesForPrincess,#LoveMessagesForLovers,#LoveMessagesForWhatsapp

Best “I love you” messages
for Him & Her

Love is a symphony that plays in your heart, a melody that dances in your soul. It’s the warmth of a thousand suns, the gentle touch of a summer breeze. Love is the laughter that echoes in your ears, the tears that shimmer in your eyes.

It’s the strength that lifts you up, the hope that carries you through. Love is the beauty that surrounds you, the miracle that fills your life. So don’t settle for anything less than love that makes you feel alive, love that makes you believe in happily ever after.

:: “Every day I discover what love is at your side and I realize that it is something that is worth fighting for because I want to adore you for the rest of my life”.

:: “You have made me a better man, you have made my heart express the most tender feelings and give me the strength I need to pursue our dreams. I love you!”.

:: “Your beautiful voice is like a melody that makes my heart dance with the rhythm of love and transports me to a fantastic world in which everything is possible”.

:: “Being happy forever seemed to me something that only happened in fairy tales, but with you I realized that it is possible because every day at your side I find more love and happiness”.

Love and reconciliation messages
for your boyfriend

:: “My love, I beg for your forgiveness. I can’t stop thinking about you, I can’t live without you. I love you”.

:: “My dearest, I humbly ask for your pardon. Your absence haunts my thoughts, I cannot bear to be apart from you. My love for you knows no bounds”.

:: “I want to apologize for not showing you my appreciation. From now on, I will remind you every day how much you mean to me and I will be more considerate of you. I value you deeply”.

:: “With a sincere heart, I seek your forgiveness for my negligence in expressing my gratitude. Henceforth, I vow to cherish you daily and treat you with the utmost respect and consideration. Your presence in my life is a treasure I hold dear”.

:: “The worst days of my life are those spent without you. I deeply regret the distance that has grown between us. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. My only desire is to be reunited with you”.

:: “My love, the days I spend without you are filled with an emptiness that no words can describe. I am truly remorseful for the rift that has come between us. I earnestly seek your forgiveness and yearn for the day we can reconcile. My heart aches for your presence, and I long for the day when we can once again walk hand in hand”.

:: “I promise you that if we get back together, things will be different between us. I’ve learned from my mistakes and I won’t let you down again if you can forgive me”.

:: “With a pledge of sincerity, I promise that if we mend our broken bond, our relationship will be transformed. I have taken to heart the lessons from our past and will strive to never disappoint you again. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I promise to be a better partner, one who cherishes and respects you unconditionally”.

:: “I am a person of my word. If I ask for your forgiveness and promise not to hurt you again, it’s because I don’t want to risk losing you again”.

:: “I stand before you with integrity, my heart filled with remorse for the pain I have caused. I humbly seek your forgiveness and vow to never inflict any further hurt upon you. The thought of losing you again is a pain I cannot bear, and I will do everything in my power to prove my worthiness of your love and trust”.

How to reconcile
with your partner
after a fight

Reconciling with your partner after an argument can be a challenging process, but with patience, communication, and effort, you can overcome this hurdle and strengthen your relationship.

Here are some steps you can follow to reconcile with your partner after an argument:

1. Give each other time to cool down:

It’s important for both of you to have time to calm down and reflect on the argument before trying to talk. This could take a few hours or even a day. During this time, avoid contact with your partner and focus on calming yourself and organizing your thoughts.

2. Initiate the conversation when you’re both calm:

Once you’ve both calmed down, choose a quiet time to talk to your partner. Let them know that you want to talk about the argument and that you’re willing to listen to their point of view.

3. Take responsibility for your part:

It’s important to take responsibility for your part in the argument, even if you don’t think you were the only one at fault. This shows your partner that you’re willing to be honest and that you care about the relationship.

4. Listen attentively to your partner:

When your partner speaks, listen attentively without interrupting. Try to understand their point of view and how they felt during the argument.

5. Apologize sincerely:

If you’ve done something to hurt your partner, offer them a sincere apology. Let them know that you regret your actions and that you won’t repeat them.

6. Forgive your partner:

Forgiveness is essential for moving on after an argument. This doesn’t mean you have to forget what happened, but it does mean that you’re willing to let go of the resentment and move forward with the relationship.

7. Talk about how to avoid future arguments:

Once you’ve resolved the current argument, it’s important to talk about how to prevent these types of situations from happening again in the future. Talk about your triggers and how you can communicate more effectively.

8. Rebuild trust:

Rebuilding trust after an argument can take time, but it’s important for a healthy relationship. Be patient with each other and make an effort to show your love and commitment.

Remember that communication is key to any healthy relationship. Talk to your partner honestly and openly, and listen attentively to their point of view. If you’re both willing to work together, you can overcome any obstacle and build a strong and lasting relationship.

Platonic love phrases

:: “My heart beats only for you, and I can no longer hide it. You are my platonic love, and when I close my eyes, we walk together, with my hand held in yours”.

:: “You are a complete beauty, and our friendship is too. The idea of putting her in danger because of this great platonic love I feel for you scares me”.

:: “From a simple friendship a deep love was born. I dream of shouting to the whole world how much I love you”.

:: “Every beat of my heart is yours, without secrets. You are my platonic love, and in the kingdom of my dreams, we always walk hand in hand, without end”.

:: “Beauty emanates from you, both inside and out, and that is reflected in our friendship. I am afraid of putting her at risk because of this platonic love that I harbor”.

How to tell a girl
that you love her

If you want to seduce a girl, you have to express all the feelings you have for her. We do not recommend that you memorize a poem or something cute, since she will realize and will be disappointed of you. So you must be fully transparent, honest and very loving, because in this way she will feel excited.

If you really like this girl, you will see that it is very easy, and the words will flow. If you tell her what you really feel she will know that you’re in love with her.

As always we recommend that before you declare your love for her, you can spend more time together and know her way of being. To realize if she has some deeper interest in you or if she considers you more than a friend. And so you can transmit a message to stay close to her as a friend. If you do not know much about her, see through friends or through Facebook, who she is and all the details involved.

How to express
your love to a girl

Once you have decided to express all your feelings, take her to somewhere where no one will interfere in your conversation. Look into her eyes. For her it means that you are very clear, and you want to be with her seriously.

Control your nerves. You have to be quiet, perhaps you hesitate with a word, that’s not good because both will get nervous and uncomfortable and maybe the girl runs out.
Be direct. Do not say the same things over and over again; avoid the girl to get bored, go straight to the point.

Choose the best time to declare. One time you are both calm and thoughtful, you can start the conversation by saying, “I want to tell you something you do not know if you have noticed but I love to be with you. You’re a great girl and I am really in love with you, I wonder if you feel the same for me”.

“To me you are a very smart and beautiful girl. Maybe you have not noticed, but it is time to say that I see you with different eyes. I would be excited to have something else with you”.

How do I tell a girl
I love you so much

Maybe the girl will not know what to say. Then you have to tell her again what you feel for her or give a time for her to think better.

If you find it very difficult to tell you’re in love it personally, you can send a letter telling her everything you feel.

We are sure that this will also liked to her because women love details. The trouble is that it could be more time than you expect to receive the answer so it will become in anxiety.

We hope you to take these recommendations into account to express your feelings for that girl that steals your sleep. Do not give up, something really beautiful will come, otherwise you have a lot to live.
Best text messages to make her fall in love with you.#LoveMessagesForPrincess,#LoveMessagesForLovers,#LoveMessagesForWhatsapp

Unconditional love phrases
for wife

:: “Next to you there are no silences, no doubts, nothing wrong, only happiness, joy and love. I love you too much, dear wife”.

:: “When the day is over and we meet I am happy, because it is the moment I was looking forward to and longing for the most. I love you”.

:: “The talks we share are anthology for me and I wouldn’t change them for anything, because our bond is unique and unbreakable. I love you and you are my Queen”.

:: “I love you too much, my dearest wife. I love you too much, dear wife of mine”.

:: “I love your smile, I feel it is a direct path to paradise. I love you, my life, you are the best wife”.

:: “Your love is the source of my energy and what makes me happiest in this life. I will love you for the rest of my days”.

:: “I sometimes feel like leaving everything behind and let’s go far away, my love, to a new place where only you, me and our unconditional love exist”.

:: “My heart has grown in size since you came into my life to add color to what was so long black and white. I love you forever”.

:: “You are the person who makes me laugh the most and with whom I have the best time. The love I feel for you knows no limits”.

:: “Against all odds, here we are, more in love than ever and with thousands of projects. I love you with all my heart”.

:: “I must admit that I miss you, it’s hard for me. The distance hurts us and I would give anything to have you here”.

:: “The biggest crime in this life is that the days don’t last 30 hours to have more time with you. I love you”.

:: “For you I feel the greatest love, my love, and I am grateful for every second that I have the privilege of spending by your side”.Download best Whatsapp romantic messages for Her.#LoveMessagesForPrincess,#LoveMessagesForLovers,#LoveMessagesForWhatsapp

Deep love quotes to
express how you really feel

:: “With you reality and fantasy mix, sometimes I find it hard to believe that so much love and happiness are real and that I am not in the middle of a beautiful dream”.

:: “The effect you had on me was overwhelming, there is no doubt about that. I love you with all my strength and very deeply”.

:: “You are like an angel that God sent into my life with the mission of helping me discover love, but the most beautiful thing is that you will be by my side forever”.

:: “I want to say thank you for each moment of peace and happiness that you have brought into my life, for healing my wounded heart and for returning my faith in love”.

:: “What a great happiness you produce in me only with your company and knowing that our hearts are united by such strong love. Thank you for being the woman of my life!”.Sweet & romantic messages for girlfriend for Whatsapp.#LoveMessagesForPrincess,#LoveMessagesForLovers,#LoveMessagesForWhatsapp

I am sorry love phrases

:: “Let us correct what was wrong, learn from the mistake we made and continue to love each other as we always have”.

:: “I think, considering how beautiful our relationship is, we could put pride aside and apologize. I love you”.

:: “I will not let a day go by without apologizing to you, because I want you to know that I am apologizing from the bottom of my heart. I love you very much”.

:: “I do not apologize out of my mouth, I do it with my heart in my hand and willing to make merits for you to forgive me. I love you”.

:: “It distresses me to believe that our love can just fade away, so I want to apologize and make things right with you”.

I adore you
sweet WhatsApp
text phrases

:: “Every time we are together I would like to completely stop time so that our moments become eternal just like our love”.

:: “It is wonderful that in your heart you have been able to find true love and unlimited happiness at the same time. You are the most incredible of all women!”.

:: “I discovered that you have a super power, you manage to melt me ​​with love with just one of your looks. I love you, my beautiful girlfriend!”.

:: “You completely changed the meaning of love in my life, now I really understand that it is the purest and most beautiful of all feelings”.

:: “Living with you makes me feel the most privileged woman of all and I know that our love will last for thousands of years”.

:: “My room is decorated with photos of the two of us, photos in which I can relive every happy moment spent by your side. I adore you!”.

:: “My heart beat again since the first time I saw you and now it beats with the rhythm of our love, a sweet melody of peace and happiness”.

:: “Before I met you, you appeared in my dreams and after you came into my life I also began to daydream about you. I love you so much that I don’t want this cute story ever to end!”.

:: “I want to make an effort every day to show you the sincerity of my love, make you smile many times, fill you with beautiful illusions and fulfill our dreams”.

:: “I would love to find the most beautiful words that our language has to carry all the love I feel for you to the depths of your heart”.

:: “Only you and I can understand how wonderful this love we have is because we live it and enjoy it every day of our lives”.

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Eternal love phrases

:: “I can’t be completely happy when you are not there, because you are the key piece of the puzzle of my life and my love for you is eternal”.

:: “For a long time I was looking for you but I could only find you when fate put you on my way and it was at the right time. Thank you for being part of my life, my love!”.

:: “It still takes a little work for me to express all that I feel for you, but I want you to know that my heart is full of the most beautiful feelings for you. I love you!”.

:: “It is you who from early in the morning begins to illuminate my heart with the light of your love, that’s why every day that I have your love is the best day of my life”.

:: “One of your pretty smiles has a powerful effect on my whole being: you fill me with joy, accelerate my heart, make me daydream and I feel that I love you more than ever”.

:: “Treasure of my life, longing of my dreams, warmth of my body, light of my eyes, how could I live without you?”.

:: “We are beginning a story that has no comparison because we enjoy a love as great as this world has never known.”.

:: “You are the inspiration for the most beautiful words that come out of my mouth and the most beautiful dreams that accompany me every night.”.

:: “My sweet love, a new day is inviting us to enjoy our relationship once again and discover a new reason to fall in love. I adore you, my heaven!”.

:: “Love, what a blessing it is to be by your side and to be able to enjoy experiences that make us grow as a couple. I adore you and I will do so forever!”.

:: “You are my constant longing, and every day that goes by I miss you with a love that knows no bounds”.

:: “Many moons have passed since the last time we crossed glances and you don’t know how much I miss you”.

:: “I beg you to come back, I can’t take life without you anymore. I promised to be patient, but the anguish of not having you here is suffocating”.

:: “In silence I wonder if you will return. The days go by and my heart misses you so much that it threatens to stop beating forever”.Thank you for sharing your love with me text messages.#LoveMessagesForPrincess,#LoveMessagesForLovers,#LoveMessagesForWhatsapp

The concept of eternal love

Eternal love is a complex concept that has been explored throughout history by philosophers, poets, and artists. There is no single, universally accepted definition, but it generally refers to a type of love that is deep, enduring, and unconditional.

Some people believe that eternal love is an ideal to which we all aspire but that is impossible to achieve in reality. Others believe that it does exist but that it is rare and difficult to find.

Regardless of whether or not you believe in eternal love, there is no doubt that it is a powerful concept that can have a profound impact on our lives. It can inspire us to great feats, comfort us in times of darkness, and give us a sense of purpose and belonging.

Does eternal love exist?

There is no definitive scientific answer to this question. Some studies have suggested that love can last a lifetime, while others have found that the intensity of love tends to decrease over time.

Ultimately, each person must decide for themselves whether or not they believe in eternal love. What matters is that we find love in our lives that makes us feel happy, fulfilled, and secure.

Thoughts on eternal love

* Eternal love is not always easy. It requires effort, commitment, and sacrifice from both partners.

* Eternal love is not always perfect. There will be ups and downs along the way. But if both partners are willing to work together, they can overcome any obstacle.

* Eternal love is one of the most precious things we can experience in life. If you are lucky enough to find it, cherish it.

Increasing your chances
of finding eternal love

While there is no guarantee of finding eternal love, there are certain things you can do to increase your chances:

1. Know thyself: Understand who you are and what you want in a partner before you start looking.

2. Be honest: Be truthful with yourself and others about what you seek in a relationship.

3. Communicate openly: Talk to your partner about your feelings, needs, and expectations.

4. Respect your partner: Treat them with kindness, compassion, and understanding.

5. Put in the effort: Relationships require work. Be willing to do your part to make the relationship succeed.

6. Never give up: True love is worth fighting for.

Remember, eternal love is not a guarantee. But if you put in the effort and commitment, you can increase your chances of finding it.

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Best tender love thoughts &
phrases for Girlfriend

:: “The happiest moment of my whole life is the one I share with you every day. Thank you for giving me your love, the source of my happiness”.

:: “When you caress my cheeks with your hands and our lips get closer I feel that I immerse myself in a wonderful dream that is about to come true”.

:: “Only now do I realize that during all this time you have been teaching me to love with all my heart. Thank you for being a part of my life, my dear!”.

:: “Your love is the most precious of all the treasures that exist, that’s why I do so many crazy things in order to be by your side and conquer your heart”.

:: “What a great pride I feel to deserve the love of the most fantastic of women in this world. Give me a chance to be with you forever!”.

:: “My biggest wish has always been to earn a place in your heart and I think I have happily succeeded”.

:: “The true freedom is what I experience when I am by your side because I can be myself and I enjoy your essence and your most sincere love”.

:: “Little by little you have become the owner of my heart, the queen of all my days and my greatest reason for existing. You have no idea how much I love you!”.

:: “Your heart is as pure as that of an angel and your beauty exceeds that of the most beautiful piece of art. You are so perfect and the most wonderful thing is that I have your love!”.

:: “You know that you have my support at all times because my love for you is unconditional, I want nothing more than your happiness”.Find sweet love phrases and images.#LoveMessagesForPrincess,#LoveMessagesForLovers,#LoveMessagesForWhatsapp

Romantic WhatsApp messages
for boyfriend

:: “When I met you I was amazed with your beauty, but now you also leave me with my mouth open for the strength with which you fight for your dreams. I love you more each day!”.

:: “If there is a perfect woman in the world, that’s you, the exact combination of beauty and intelligence. I adore you sweetheart!”.

:: “I love your wonderful way of being, that beautiful tenderness and affection with which you treat me combined with your joy and your great sense of humor. I adore you my pretty Princess!”.

:: “Not only do you fill my heart with your love, but also my soul that rejoices with the happiness I feel to be by your side. Let’s enjoy this beautiful relationship forever!”.

:: “Every day I fall in love much more with you, I adore you completely, your cute smile and your wonderful personality. You really fascinate me!”.Download romantic marriage proposal messages.#MarriageProposalideas,#MarriageProposaPhrases,#LoveMessagesForHer

Good morning messages

:: “Wake up, my love, because every second I spend with you is a treasure that I want to treasure. Good morning my treasure”.

:: “Good morning, my confidant and life partner. May this day be full of success and blessings for you. I love you a lot!”.

:: “Wake up, my love. I want to be the first to wish you a day full of love, happiness and success. Good morning my life”.

:: “Good morning, my shining star. May you shine brighter than ever today and may every step you take be in the direction of your dreams”.

:: “I woke up thinking about you and all the reasons why I love you. Good morning, my unconditional love”.Download best marriage proposal wordings.#MarriageProposalideas,#MarriageProposaPhrases,#LoveMessagesForHer

Sweet dreams
love messages

:: “Today the world can wait, because my only wish is that you have a night full of peace and serenity. May your dreams be as beautiful as you are. Good night, love”.

:: “Every night is a new beginning, an opportunity to reinvent ourselves together in our dreams. May you rest and wake up with renewed energy. I love you!”.

:: “Before the stars light up the sky, I want to light up your night with my love. May you sleep soundly, knowing that I will always be by your side. Good night, my love”.

:: “Nights are more magical when we share them together, even if we are separated by distance. I send you a goodnight kiss that crosses the universe to reach you. Rest easy, my love!”.

:: “I fall asleep with a smile on my lips, knowing that you are in my dreams. May the night give you rest and when you wake up, a new day full of blessings. I love you!”.Original marriage proposal phrases from man to a women.#RomanticMarriageProposal,#MarriageProposaWordings,#LovePhrasesForHer

I miss you
love messages

:: “In every beat, I hear your name. I confess that you are my unconditional love and I do not want to live without you, come back so that I no longer need you so much”.

:: “You are my favorite song and my sweetest melody. I confess to you that I cannot help but miss you with every fiber of my being”.

:: “In every thought, you are present. I confess that I want to stop missing you and love you until the end of time”.

:: “You are the dream that I do not want to wake up and the reality that I want to live. I love you and miss you more than words can express”.

:: “In every beat of my heart, I have your name tattooed on my heart. You are my true love and I want to be everything for you, come back I miss you”.Will you marry me quotes: proposal messages for her.#MarriageProposalideas,#MarriageProposaPhrases

Short marriage proposal
from a man to a woman

:: “You are my love, my friend and my life partner, would you like to be my wife and share every moment by my side?”.

:: “You are the dream that I do not want to wake up, would you marry me and make this dream a reality?”.

:: “You are the missing piece to my puzzle, would you dare to complete my life as my wife?”.

:: “You are my sun on gray days, would you like to shine by my side forever as my wife?”.

:: “You are the reason my heart beats faster, would you dare to be my wife and make me the most in love man?”.

Valentine’s Day quotes

for ex Girlfriend

:: “I send you a big kiss for this Love and Friendship Day. I want you to always be wonderful and that this love that turned into friendship lasts forever”.

:: “Our paths forked, but you and I will love each other forever, there is no doubt about that. Happy Love and Friendship Day”.

:: “I am writing to you to wish you the best this Love and Friendship Day. I hope you are doing great and that everything you expected is becoming a reality”.

:: “Congratulations on Valentine’s Day, a time when we celebrate the love and friendship that you and I feel for each other. I love you very much!”.

:: “The love we once felt has been transformed to give way to a beautiful and loving friendship. I wish you a wonderful Valentine’s Day”.The most romantic and creative proposal ideas.#MarriageProposalideas,#MarriageProposaPhrases

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02: Beautiful thoughts for Valentine’s day
03: Good night love messages
04: Happy Valentine’s day wishes for my husband
05: I’am sorry love letters
06: I’m sorry quotes for him
07: Love messages for my husband
08: Love phrases
09: Love messages
10: Messages to stop a breakup
11: Romantic anniversary messages
12: Romantic messages for him who is going away
13: Romantic messages for my boyfriend
14: Valentine’s day sample letters
15: Love messages in SPANISH

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Image of love phrases for Girlfriend , courtesy :  “”. Modified by : 

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