Last modified 01/24/2024

fantastic friendship sms reply for missing,friendship sms reply Best quotes to restore a friendship :

Who hasn’t grown apart from a friend? I think we all have a friend who, for some reason, has gone away from our lives. If you miss your friend so much now, do not hesitate in letting them know your feelings. Remember it is never too late to apologize or to get a good friend back.

Next, we will leave you some messages you can share with that friend you miss so much. You can send them on an instant message, an email or on Facebook, and thus recover your friendship.

:: There is something I have wanted to ask you for a long time: why have we grown apart? You do not know how sorry I am for not asking this before; maybe pride did not let me do it. But I miss talking, laughing and crying with you so much. Therefore, there is something I want to ask you: would you like to be my best friend again?.
Category : Messages to recover friendship

:: I am so sorry for offending you, my friend. I did not mean any of those terrible words. I was sad and mad at myself, and I took it out on you. Now that I feel you are so far away from me, you have no idea how much I regret not apologizing to you. I hope it is not too late and you still can forgive me, because I miss you so much. Besides, I am sure I will never find such a fantastic friend. I love you.
Category : Messages to recover friendship

:: I wonder if you still remember we were such good friends until a while ago. For a long time, I have been pondering what happened to us. How did we become two strangers? I wish I knew what I did wrong. Tell me what I must do to be the friends we were before, because I miss you so much.
Category : Messages to recover friendship

:: We have not talked for many days now. So much has happened to me and there is nobody to share them with. I wish you will soon forgive me for letting you down. You are important to me and do not forget it. I would like everything to be as it was before. I will be waiting for you. When you need someone, remember you have me.
Category : Messages to recover friendship

:: I want you to know I have not found a friend I feel so well with as I did with you. I know it has been months without seeing or speaking to each other, but I hope you have not replaced me and we will meet and do everything together again. I miss you and I look forward to telling you all this in person.
Category : Messages to recover friendship

:: I want to apologize for growing apart from you. I am very sorry for letting you down. I was not there when you needed me most. I locked myself inside my love bubble and I put you aside. I feel worse than ever because I feel alone. He left me and I realized I had nowhere to go, because I distanced myself, I abandoned you. I hope you forgive me and take me back into your life. I miss you more than ever.
Category : Messages to recover friendship

:: Today I ran into many of our memories. I found some of our photographs and letters. I cannot help smiling when I read how crazy we were, but neither can I help missing those days so much. I hope you are doing very well and extremely happy. I have not heard anything from you for a long time, and I sincerely hope to meet you again. I wish you write soon. Love, your friend always.
Category : Messages to recover friendship

Image: nuttakit /

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