Last modified 07/02/2024
Best good night messages

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When we return home, after having worked hard or having studied with all our energies we feel very tired, with desires to go to sleep and prepare for the next day, but we must not forget to say goodbye to those people important to us by sending good night texts.
#BestSweetDreamsMessages #RomanticSweetDreamsMessages #GoodNightMessages #GoodNightMessagesForFriends
Best sweet dreams
baby messages
:: “Being your girlfriend is an absolute privilege for me and something I really appreciate, because you are one of a kind. Sleep well, sweetheart, I adore you”.
:: “I wish you a good night’s rest and may this night allow you to recharge all your energies. I already want it to be tomorrow so we can see each other. A thousand kisses!”.
:: “Can you imagine how nice it would be to wake up together? I know that someday it will be like that, my love, for now I wish you a beautiful night of rest and relaxation”.
:: “I will see you tomorrow so sleep well, my darling. I wanted you to know that I am about to go to sleep too, and I cannot stop thinking about you, I love you!”.
:: “Good night to the ideal boyfriend, the man of my dreams and my best friend. I love you and I could never ask for anything else from life as long as you are with me”.
:: “Your smile illuminates even the darkest night, dulls the stars and leaves the full moon in the background. Sweet Dreams Baby!”.
:: “Although on this day we have not been together, I have not stopped thinking about you for a single minute. My love, I wish you good night”.
:: “My world is only complete with you by my side, so in my heart there is a great emptiness that you can only fill with your presence. See you tomorrow, my dear”.
:: “Sweet dreams to the cutest boyfriend of all. I hope you can rest and recharge your energy, my darling. I love you so much”.
:: “Tonight I wanted to send you a message to let you know that all the happiness I feel, I owe to you. Dream with the little angels, love”.
:: “I wish that God blesses you always and that tonight is one of peaceful rest and beautiful dreams. I love you more than anything in this life”.
:: “Many kisses on this beautiful night where I do nothing but think of you, my love. I hope you get a good rest. I send you my heart and soul. Xoxo!”.
Good night messages
for social networks
Surely you are a very sociable person who knows almost everyone in the phone book but you cannot always say goodbye to them personally but thanks to technological advances today you can do it instantly without the need for physical contact.
One of the facilities that we have today is the use of social networks through which we can send messages to all our contacts. On this occasion we invite you to publish some of these phrases for your good night greetings.
:: “Good night to all my Facebook contacts. Have a very serene night, dream very beautiful things and let nothing interrupt the rest you need to repair your strength”.
:: “For those who are alone, may they have as their best companion a bed that welcomes them so that they can rest until they are completely exhausted. See you tomorrow”.
:: “I see that many of you are still connected. I don’t want to chat at this time because it’s already very late, I just want to wish you a very good night and remember that it’s a weekday and tomorrow we have obligations waiting for us so I recommend you sleep early”.
:: “Friend, maybe today was not your day, everything went wrong for you, you argued with someone, the bad streak crossed your path, but that does not mean that you will go to sleep with sadness in your soul, leave everything behind and think that there is nothing more delicious than having a good mattress and a pillow to sleep comfortably”.
:: “Good night, dear friends. I hope you are not so entertained that you lose track of time, it is good to use Facebook but you also have to think that our body needs to rest, especially after having had such a hectic day”.
:: “I know that many of you, although they appear as absent, are connected on Facebook. For each and every one of you, I wish you with all my heart a very good night”.
:: “Through this medium I want all of you to have a very good night and that you wake up tomorrow renewed with much optimism and desire to receive a new day with faith and joy in your hearts”.
:: “Tomorrow must always be greeted with hope. Sleep early if you want to get up at dawn, remember that the early bird gets the worm and will have more time for everything they have planned. Good night to everyone”.
:: “On this dawn, your best companion will be the bed. Soon the dawn will surprise you and illuminate the twilight that will be born through your window. Go to rest, you deserve it for having worked hard. Have a good night, sweet dreams”.
:: “Worry only about resting well, close those little caramel eyes and let sleep catch you until dawn. I wish you have a magnificent night and a splendid dawn”.
:: “Tonight will be the right one to get the rest you’ve been asking for for days. I hope you have a totally satisfying evening, forget about worries and rest. Very good night”.
Short good night messages
for family members
Nowadays, it is strange to fall asleep without first receiving a good night greeting from your family members. No matter the distance that separates them, the advancement of technology has had a great boom in terms of communications.
For example, there are social tools that make it possible for two people to communicate. So there is no excuse not to receive that greeting from whoever comes.
Receiving a hug or a kiss is quite gratifying and enriches the soul, since it gives satisfaction. If you are in time to say good night to them, then don’t wait any longer. Here we leave you some beautiful phrases that you can dedicate to those little people you love so much.
:: “Don’t think negatively, don’t be pessimistic. Remember that tomorrow will be a new day and today will be in the past. Just rest and think that everything will be fine, my little daughter. Good night!”.
:: “Dad, may you rest in peace tonight and wake up tomorrow with renewed energy and joy. I love you very much”.
:: “Mom, thank you for all your love and support. Have a peaceful night full of sweet dreams”.
:: “My son, may you sleep well and have dreams full of adventures. I love you more than the stars”.
:: “My dear daughter, may this night bring you peace, serenity and beautiful dreams. You are my princess and my most precious treasure”.
:: “Brother, I hope you have a restful night and that tomorrow we will be together to share laughter and unforgettable moments”.
:: “Sister, you are my best friend and confidante. Have a magical night and wake up with a smile on your face”.
:: “Grandpa, thank you for your wise advice and unconditional love. Have a peaceful night full of sweet memories”.
:: “Sweet dreams! Grandma, you are the light that illuminates my life. May you rest in peace and wake up tomorrow healthy and happy”.
:: “Dear Mom, have a night full of peace, happy dreams and a tomorrow full of blessings. I wish you all the best in life”.
:: “My beloved Mom, from a distance I send you this message with all my love to wish you good night. I love you very much”.
:: “Dear Dad, thank you for taking such good care of Mom in my absence and for always being such a good Dad. I wish you good night”.
:: “Dear Grandma, you always worry about me and do whatever it takes to make me happy. You are the best grandmother in the world and I wish you a very good night”.
:: “My precious little girl, it’s time to close those beautiful eyes you have and relax in your bed so that you can have a good night’s sleep”.
Cute good night texts
for friends
Say goodbye to the people you love in a different way tonight. Before going to sleep, we say “good night” to the people we live with.
We also say this greeting when we say goodbye to our coworkers or classmates when the night has already arrived, and after a night out with your girlfriend, you can’t forget to say it either.
If you think that saying good night is a very simple phrase, then this article will seem interesting to you. We will show you a list of beautiful good night phrases.
You can send these good night phrases as SMS to your friends and loved ones. You can also post them on the Facebook walls of your contacts who are used to connecting at night.
:: “Today you had an exhausting day and it’s time for you to rest, so that the beauty you carry with you is preserved and so that you wake up tomorrow eager to be happy, good night”.
:: “Tonight, when you close your eyes, your mind will sink into a paradise while the angels make sure that nothing interrupts your dreams, good night”.
:: “Before going to sleep, I felt like something was missing, there was my pillow, my sheets, but I felt like something was still missing, then I remembered that I didn’t say goodbye to you, good night friend, I hope it’s not too late”.
:: “Let sleep cloud your consciousness and let yourself fall into its arms, relax and sleep, because tomorrow a day full of action awaits you, good night”.
:: “Have a good night friend, today has been a great day for everyone and especially for you, go straight to your bed and rest from everything you did”.
:: “Today we had a great day of fun, we played like little girls, we fought like warriors and we learned from our stumbles, now we have to rest so that tomorrow we are with all the desire to continue enjoying this world, good night”.
:: “I will not go to bed without first saying good night to you friend, because I love you more and more every day and because I want you to be happy even in your dreams”.
:: “I want you to look at the sky for a few minutes tonight before going to sleep and think about all the good things you have done today and you will see that you will sleep peacefully like a baby, good night and rest”.
Good night messages
for friends
:: “I hope you had a nice day and if it was not like that, do not worry that tomorrow you have the opportunity to start over. See you!”.
:: “I cannot go to sleep without first wish good night to all of you, my dear friends, thank you for so much love”.
:: “Make yourself comfortable so that you rest well and do not fear anything that the angels of heaven will always be protecting you”.
:: “My dear friends, there is no better pillow than to have conscience in peace. I wish you can enjoy these hours of rest”.
:: “Friends, sleep now because it is important to rest to always enjoy excellent health”.
:: “It’s amazing how fast the day goes, now it’s time to rest and with all my love I send you this good night greeting”.
:: “Friends, I wish you a peaceful rest and May tomorrow be a splendid day, full of many opportunities”.
:: “Happy dreams, my dear friends, May tomorrow be a fabulous day and that you wake up with the right foot”.
:: “I hope that you are already getting ready to sleep and that you are disconnected from the virtual world because the mind and the body need rest. Goodnight!”.
:: “Friends, have sweet dreams and, before sleeping, give thanks to God for all the blessings He pours out on your lives”.
:: “This was a great day, let us feel very grateful for how well life is treating us and we hope that tomorrow would be even a better day. Sweet Dreams!”.
How to beat insomnia
Sleeping is the restorative activity par excellence of the human body, which is why suffering from insomnia means not having a quality life, follow the advice that we are about to present or rely on your doctor, but do not miss more time.
All humans, after an exhausting and long day, require physical or mental strength to recover and this can be achieved through a break or with the aid of a restful sleep which, depending on our age, is going to vary considerably.
At each age, we require different amount of hours to sleep, babies need 18 hours, while 9 hours should be enough to adolescents and adults get a good rest in 8 hours, while elders get it in just 5 hours. But what happens when we find it difficult, almost impossible to sleep? Well this phenomenon is commonly known as insomnia.
Insomnia is the difficulty that human beings, teenagers or adults, have to sleep the hours they should thoroughly according to their age, whether they wake up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep anymore or because they simply cannot fall sleep, which in the morning will be translated into the feeling of restlessness, drowsiness and irritation that eventually will affect the quality of the life you are supposed to be enjoying.
You must be asking yourselves what is it that causes insomnia, and the answer is enclosed in different reasons, since in some cases it is due the use of hallucinogenic substances (cocaine, marijuana, heroin), the consumption of stimulants (coffee) and substance abuse (nicotine) in others, there might be various physical and somatic diseases such as rheumatic diseases, endocrine diseases (thyroid), respiratory diseases (asthma), digestive diseases (gastro esophageal reflux), neurological diseases (Alzheimer, headache and stroke) psychiatric disorders (depression, schizophrenia) and psychological illnesses caused by anxiety and stress. Finally also the variation of your life conditions and changing your place of residence (migrating from America to Europe or Asia) turn out to be causes of insomnia.
For a case of insomnia to be declared as chronic, it must be held more frequently than a month and below this period, it should always be considered transitional as long as it does not exceeds a fifteen day limit and if the occurrence happens in just one night, then it should be classified as intermittent.
The best advice one can give a person who has difficulty sleeping is to go to the doctor to determine the causes and get an appropriate treatment, you should never self medicate or take medical advice from someone who is not an specialist because many of these misdirected treatments can cause major problems in the health of the affected one.
Other tips include
the following
• Creating the adequate conditions for sleeping means trying to sleep and waking up always at the same time.
• Use your bedroom only for sleep, avoiding activities that can get you distracted from your desire to sleep.
• Do not drink coffee, soda, alcohol or cigarettes before bedtime.
• Put your mind blank, trying to forget any worries before bedtime.
• Keep a journal where you record all the difficulties you might have trying to get some sleep, as well as the hours of sleep you actually get, how many times you woke up during the night, etc.
• If after 30 minutes you were unable to fall asleep, get up and do other activities for 20 minutes and then lie down again. If the situation repeats, perform again the routine taught previously.
• Learn relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety and stress.
• Do not take naps during the day.
• Go to the bathroom before bedtime.
• It would be better if you had dinner at least three hours before bedtime.
• Take a hot bath.
Remember that if the problem that keeps you from sleeping is your habits, correcting them will mean been able to sleep properly and if not, the doctor must give you a proper treatment.
We hope you like the following phrases very much and that you choose the ones that you think are the coolest so that you can dedicate them to all your friends and wish them good night. You can use as many cute good night words as you want!
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Image of Good Night messages, courtesy : “”. Modified by :
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